Today, almost everyone has a connection of mobile data, several hundred megabytes (to lower rates) or a few gigabytes, in our devices thanks to which we can be wherever we go thanks to 3 G and 4 G networks. Although these rates are very limited and are intended mainly for its use in devices mobile, also is possible use them even to connect us to Internet from a computer thanks to the anchor of network or Tethering.
Tethering, or network anchor, is a configuration which we configure our smartphone as a router so that we can connect from other computers or devices to the Internet through their own connection. We must bear in mind that these data connections are, as we have said, limited and that a computer does not consume the same as a smartphone and, therefore, if we are not careful is very easy to melt in minutes all month data fee.
Android, by default, no account with a function that will allow us to establish a limit of data consumption when we use the network anchor, however, the developers of other roms, as EMUI, official the Huawei Smartphone rom, that counts with this function and, therefore, if you use one of these devices that can limit the use of data so that , the data limit is reached, lock the connection and not spent more data, unless we return to activate the USB tethering.
Then you teach how we can establish a limit of data when we are dedicated to sharing our mobile connection through Tethering.
Measured use of Windows 10 connections are essential to connect to the Internet from a PC via Tethering
A system operating from PC, as is Windows, is configured by default to connect is to Internet through connections unlimited, as the fiber or the ADSL. By this, the use of data if us connect by Tethering of a system as Windows can get to consume several gigabytes in less than a hour (updates, websites heavy, checks of all type, etc).
Windows 10 has a new type of network called “measured use networks” that allows us to indicate to the system operating the connection that we are using is limited so that, by default, the operating system will block certain connections (such as the Windows updates) avoiding that they are launched automatically and can leave us without data.
Anyway, although we earmark this option, we must bear in mind that the web pages at “desktop mode” are much heavier than the websites that we see on a mobile or a tablet, so the best thing is that, if we need to visit a website through a data connection, make it always from a mobile phone instead of using it as a gateway to get out to the Internet from a PC.
The article controls and limits the megs of Tethering on smartphones Huawei was published in MovilZona.